2018-2019 Wrestling Team!
Now that we are in the winter season, it means a whole new set of sports for Lincoln’s athletes to a part of this year. One of those...

Can a Guy and Girl Be Friends?
As we grow older, we notice that the relationships between men and women are viewed in a weird way. Some people believe that men and...

Favorite Teacher!
Jessica Proffit, 9th Mrs. Dippold Jaylyn Eakle, 9th Mrs. Garrett Mason Sendling 9th Mrs. Hostuttler Macie Hardman, 9th Mrs. Young Madi...

Favorite hair colors!
Brookelyn Clark – blonde Alura Parsons – dark brown Nick Rymasz – blonde Hali Toothman – dark brown Lizzy Rymasz – blonde Megan Boyce –...

Bright Futures for LHS Students
While Lincoln students are supposed to focus on their current classes, they also worry about their futures. Many students already know...