Life is worth the fight! this has become very important to one family here in Harrison county. Dave Moore is a father of seven kids and a dog and is happily married. On the outside the family looks live your normally family in Harrison Country but if you look closer in the family you will find out that Dave Moore has stage four Liver Disease and is in need of a liver transplant. Family have came together and put together a Facebook page called Dave's Army: Life is worth the fight. on this page they post about how the journey is going and important dates and whenever they are having fundraisers to help with hospital cost. They are having a Benefit For Dave at the Anmoore Fire department. they will be having a bag bingo on June 23rd The doors will open at noon and games will start 1pm. They will have Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach, Vera Bradley, and more 21st game, mystrey games, raffles, tips, 50/50and more. So come out and enjoy some good old bingo! Come out and support Dave Moore and his family.