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Words from the new Student Body Treasurer Victoria Sturm!

As the school year comes to an end, our Student Body Officers say goodbye to Lincoln High School and the duties they have completed while in office. On Tuesday, April 23rd, new members were elected in their places. Our newly inducted student body treasurer is Victoria Sturm. Victoria wanted to run because she wants to make the school the best it can be. She felt the best way to do this was to hold a leadership position in student Council. Victoria was the freshman class historian. Instead of continuing to hear the same ideas from the same people, Victoria would like to explore the opinions from everyone. She wants to see more people become involved. She was in middle school for three years in middle school, and she’s been in student Council for her 2 years of high school so far. “I hope to work with the officers to make this the best year ever!” -Victoria Sturm


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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