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October Students of the Month

Kendal Shaye DeMarco is the daughter of Sam and Lisa DeMarco. She is the granddaughter of Patty Merico and JoAnn DeMarco.

Kendal is Student Body President, Key club Treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society, and a four-year member of the Danceline and Band. She has been active in Student Council and Key Club serving as an officer all four years. She also held the office of Freshman and Junior Class President. Kendal is a member of the International Thespian Society and held the lead role in several plays while at LHS. She was a member of the Junior Prom Court, Homecoming Court, Sweetheart Court, and was Miss Sadie Hawkins.

Kendal has been active in many service projects throughout her four years including: Angel Luv, Trunk or Treat, Special Needs Bible School, Challenger League volunteer, Powder Puff Football, Relay for Life, and Feed A Family. Kendal developed” The Prom Princess Project” her freshman year at LHS. This project provides prom dresses, shoes, accessories, as well as a day of pampering including hair, make-up, and nails on the day of the prom for any girl who is interested. Kendal was selected to attend HOBY(Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation) and Rhododendron Girls State.

Kendal is a member of St. Ann’s Catholic Church where she is a cantor in the choir and the preschool religious education teacher. She works as a lifeguard and teaches swimming lessons at the Shinnston Pool. Kendal has a 4.15 GPA and plans to attend West Virginia University where she will major in Animal Nutrition to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine.

Mackenzie Leigh Hawkins is the daughter of Rob and Holly Hawkins of Shinnston. She is the granddaughter of Jim and Candy Fiorito, Mary Hawkins and the late Richard Hawkins.

Mackenzie has maintained over a 4.0 GPA while attending Lincoln High School. She was inducted into the National Honor Society as a junior, as well as being selected to attend the WV Rhododendron Girls State. Mackenzie is the Historian of the Student Body, Key Club Officer, Student Council Executive Committee, Appointed member of the Generation Harrison Jr. Committee, and a four year member of the dance line and band. She was also a cheerleader her junior year. She was Vice President of the Freshman Class and President of the Sophomore Class. Mackenzie is a member of the International Thespian Society and has participated in the school musicals the last three years. This year, she was the choreographer for the school musical “The Sound of Music.” She was selected as a member of the Prom Court her junior year and Homecoming Court this year.

Mackenzie was recently named the WVSSAC Female Community Service Award winner for her many hours of community service. She took a leadership role in the annual Pink Week for Breast Cancer basketball games, worked many years with the Shinnston Relay for Life as a committee member, helped with the Prom Princess Program, participated in Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Committee Chair for Powder Puff Football, Key Club Feed A Family, and the Challenger League Basketball Program.

Mackenzie is a member of the First United Methodist Church where she has helped with Angel Luv gift buying, co-music director and team leader at summer bible school programs, as well as participating several times in the Christmas Program at church.

After graduation Mackenzie plans to attend either West Virginia Wesleyan College or West Virginia University to obtain a degree in exercise science and athletic training.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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