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Class Fundraisers!

So many different classes, clubs, and groups at Lincoln High School have already started fundraising for the school year!

To start, the Freshmen class sold cotton candy for three dollars at the Braxton county versus Lincoln and Liberty versus Lincoln football games, and will continue to do so for every home game.

In addition, the class of 2020, the sophomores, raised money at Frontier Days by having a dunk tank. They sold one ball for one dollar or five balls for three dollars. They also held a friti sale at the Italian Heritage Festival, which they received 15% of the whole profit. They have also organized and held two car washes.

The junior class has done three fundraisers so far all together. They been, and will continue to, sell bear suckers at every home football game. Their most recent fundraisers have been selling Italian heritage Festival programs and McDonald's discount cards.

Our seniors, the class of 2018, will continue to sell deep fried Oreos, and funnel cakes at home football games. They are also auctioning off raffle tickets for a Yeti cooler.

We encourage all students, parents, and community members to support all of our classes in their efforts to raise funds for various activities. Please see any class member or advisor for more information concerning any of the mentioned fundraisers.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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