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The Cougars Came Up Short Against the Mountaineers

This past Friday wasn't just any ordinary Friday - it was a home football Friday. Our fighting Cougars played against a tough team - county rivals, the Liberty Mountaineers.

Our players Gauge Freeman, Colten Hovermale, and Hunter Moore all made touchdowns. The star of the night, Gauge Freeman, returned two kickoffs and scored two touchdowns. Sadly, the outcome of the game was not what our team or fans were hoping for, but our Cougars played a good game. The Lincoln football boys never gave up on playing even if they were losing. They are always winners in the community's heart.

With cheerleaders, the band, dance line, and the student section all on the sidelines, the support for our players can't be beat. Ending the night with 35-49 loss, everyone still went home believing in a better try and a win for the next game.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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