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Mr.Hathaway new student teacher

Student teachers are always a surprise to us students. We normal don't know about them till the day before or the day they come. If you don't have that class you normal don't know about them till you see some new person walking the halls. So no surprise when out of nowhere we got a new student teacher for gym and health class. He is a male teacher who is going to school at Fairmont sate he is in his final year of collage and is looking to graduate in December of this year. He started collage all the way back in 2013. His name is Mr.Hathaway he started to go to school to be a math teacher but then he switch over to phys ed he even majored in math but he says he switched over because he has always enjoyed physical activity. He even use to coach baseball and football. He wants to continue teaching, but for elementary kids he still wants to be in the county teaching. He is Lincoln high schools second student teacher in 2017-18 school year he started on October 9. He says he has really enjoyed his time here and glad he gets to be a student teacher here.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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