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Meet Our History Department

Here at Lincoln High School, we have the privilege of having four really great History teachers. Among those teachers, they teach Civics, Travel West Virginia, Early US History, Psychology, AP Human Geography , World History, and Contemporary American Studies.

The first History teacher we will mention is Mr. Jeff Ramsey. Mr. Ramsey teaches World History to all the freshmen students at LHS. He really enjoys teaching that time period to the 9th grade. He has been teaching for 23 years total, but has only been here at Lincoln for the past eight years. His favorite memory from all his years of teaching is a very touching one. With the help of his wife, he threw a birthday party for a 5th grade student of his who had never had a birthday party before.

Next up is Mr. Frank Spadafore. He has been teaching for 15 years and has spent all of those here at Lincoln High School. Coaching is what actually made him decide that he wanted to start teaching. Mr. Spadafore loves teaching his Contemporary American Studies classes the most, but he also teaches American Studies. His all time favorite memory of his teaching career is his first day of work at his very own Alma mater.

Mr. James Crosby is the third of the four teachers in the History department. Mr. Crosby teaches Civics and Travel West Virginia. He has been teaching at Lincoln for eight years, but has been teaching for 33 years all together. He couldn't choose just one class that he considers his favorite, because he loves teaching all of his classes. He knew back in 3rd grade he wanted to start teaching because of his thirst for knowledge. His best memory is having a parent put him in his place when it came to taking care of his/her child. It showed him what teaching was all about! To him, all students are family and they should be treated that way.

Then lastly, we have Mr. Rob Hawkins. He teaches Early US History, Psychology, and AP Human Geography. Mr. Hawkins has been teaching for 27 years and has been at Lincoln for all but seven of those years. His favorite class to teach has always been Sociology; but right now, he is also really enjoying AP Human Geography. Mr. Hawkins became a teacher because he knew he would enjoy working with teenagers and always had a real interest in social studies. His favorite memory from the years is when he was addressing the class of 2017 at their Senior Banquet. That class was special to him because his daughter Mackenzie was in it and he had known many of the students since they were young.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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