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Elder, Gemondo Selected as September Students of the Month

[if gte IE 8][endif][if gte IE 8][endif]Hailey Brooke Elder is the daughter of Christopher and Whitney Elder, and is the granddaughter of Jane and Cecil Elder and Elizabeth and Steven Daugherty.

Over the course of her high school career, Hailey has maintained over a 4.0 GPA and is in the top 10 of her class. Hailey has been on the honor roll each six weeks while taking four Advance Placement Classes and numerous honors classes. She has also taken two math classes through West Virginia University and is currently attending Fairmont State University at the Caperton Center. Hailey has already qualified as a PROMISE Scholar.

Hailey has also been very active during her time at Lincoln High School. She was inducted in the National Honor Society her junior year, has been an active member and serves on the Student Council Executive Committee, as well as being a member of the Key Club, and the Senior Class Historian. She is also a member of the Yearbook Staff.

Hailey is also a four year member of our varsity cheerleading squad and was named 1st team All Big 10 Cheerleader her junior year. In her spare time, Hailey enjoys reading and making pottery.

Her future plans are to attend West Virginia University to obtain a double major in biology and forensic science.



Alec John Gemondo is the son of Jimmy and Pam Gemondo of Shinnston. He is the grandson of Jim Salerno and the late Patricia Salerno, John Gemondo and the late Linda Gemondo.

Alec has maintained over a 4.0 GPA while attending Lincoln High School and has already qualified as a PROMISE Scholar. He was inducted into the National Honor Society as a junior and is serving as Treasurer, as well as being selected to attend Mountaineer Boys State. Alec is an active member of the Student Council Executive Committee, Vice-President of the Key Club, and a four-year member of the Lincoln High School marching band. He was also the Treasurer of his class his sophomore and junior years. Alec has also been elected by his peers to serve on the Prom Court, Homecoming Court, Sadie Hawkins Court, and Sweetheart Court.

Alec has been very involved with several service projects over his four years of high school, such as Angel Luv, Trunk or Treat, Prom Fashion Show, Feed-A-Family, and Trick or Treat for UNICEF.

Alec is also a four-year member of the Varsity Football team and has earned a varsity letter in the sport. He is a member of the Lincoln Tennis team.

Alec is an active member of St. Ann’s Catholic Church of Shinnston.

After graduation, Alec plans to attend West Virginia University to pursue a degree in civil engineering.




2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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