Lincoln High School's third exchange student of the 2017-2018 school year is Marco Murenu.
Marco is 17-years-old and is in the 11th grade. He chose to become an exchange student to learn a new culture and language. He said it is really important to him to know other lands.
He is here for the semester staying with the Parson family.
He does play basketball, but he sadly came too late into the school year, so the season had already started. He has decided that he will do track now instead.
He likes it here in West Virginia and is enjoying his time here at the school and with his host family. His favorite things here are all the mountains we have. Like any other exchange student, his favorite food here is the pepperoni rolls; but back home, he loves himself some pasta.
He says he has made friends with many new and amazing people. He does, however, miss his parents and friends back home, including his little sister, Laura, who is only 14-years-old. His favorite subjects here are math and Fitness and Conditioning.
Marco isn't sure what he wants to do when he is older, but he does know that he wants to go to college in the future.
Marco said he is glad he has gotten the chance to come here and experience all kinds of new things.