A fellow member of Shinnston, Dave Moore, is going to have a liver transplant and his family is having a spaghetti dinner/silent auction benefit to help out with all the medical bills they are going to endure through this process. The dinner is February 17, 2018. Tt starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 6:00 PM and will be held at Jewel City Church - 511 Jewel City Church Blvd, Meadowbrook, WV 26404.
The spaghetti dinners will be available for both dine-in and carry-out. Tickets will be sold at the door: adults are $10.00, and children ages 5-12 will be $6.00, and children age 4 & under are free.
The items in the silent auction will be available for bids from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Many items such has crafts, gift cards, baskets, direct sales items, items from local business, and much more, will be available and maybe even a few big surprises! This is a silent auction you don't want to miss!
Dave was diagnosed back in 2003 with liver cirrhosis and NASH (NON Alcoholic steatohepatitis). Please consider supporting Dave and his family during this difficult time.
You can find out more by going to Facebook and liking them at Dave's Army:Life is Worth the Fight. You can follow the journey from the page too. Dave has a loving wife that has worked hard on this benefit. He also has five daughters and two sons and a dog named Brownie who would all like to see him get better! The family has put a lot of work into this like his wife Amy who works long days and nights to make sure everything is just right. So come out and enjoy some nice food,prizes, and great company.