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The extra long year

            For most students and staff, this school year has been a pretty decent year. But as you know, a couple weeks into the second semester things took a toll for the worst and things began to get a bit chaotic. Our ‘Wild and Wonderful’ teachers put a pause on their teaching and went on strike. The strike lasted nine full school days which in return pushed us further back for the end of the year school date. Summer vacation is short enough as it is, so we spoke to some of the students and teachers to see how they felt about the extended date. Art teacher Mrs.Light said, “I feel like it was pretty unfair towards the students but in a way it doesn’t really change much. Most classes stopped giving out assignments or doing activities after testing was over. So I feel if we tried to push more towards spending the second semester of our year by taking more field trips and learning hands on outside of the classroom then it would really help the students open up a little more and stay focused toward the end of the year. Most students start to drag closer towards the end of the year, so I feel it would really help with their learning.” Then a couple of our students had some pretty negative outlooks on it. Alyssa Riley addressed, “it makes me really mad” along with Gwyn Martin’s claim, “it’s really unfair to the students. We don’t do much in class anymore and haven’t since testing was over with. It’s just kind of annoying and a waste of time being held here longer than needed.” Mr.Spadafore and Mr.Starkey both can agree that, “I don’t like it. I feel like we aren’t really accomplishing much and it’s even harder for our students because they don’t have the motivation to participate in class work or activities.”  


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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