Lincoln High School started something new with a few teachers last year, but they are getting everyone on board this year. It's a way for students to sign out of class and a way for teachers to know exactly where students are going and how long they're out. But why not just paper and pencil? Wouldn't that be easiest? Mrs. Osbourn was one of the teachers that started using it last year. She said, "I think I picked up on it quickly and the kids did, too. Once everyone gets used to it, it will be like second nature for us to use it."
The e-hall pass is a new way of getting out of classes without using a paper and a clipboard like we did in the past. Most teachers and students like how the e-hall pass works and how easy it is to keep track of where students go within the school.
The one big problem with the e-hall pass is when the WiFi is out, you can’t use it.
“If the WiFi is working, it’s nice. It uses less paper and less time” Mrs. Hostuttler said.
Students are even on board. “It is also a good way to bring technology into the classrooms and get kids used to the iPads and how they work,” said Jonathan Looman. Overall, the e-hall pass seems to be liked by most and will probably stick around.