This year’s senior class has 134 students who are all looking forward to many different things throughout their last year of high school. To start this year off, we chose three seniors to interview about this upcoming year: Alex Smith, Kinley Cummings, and Skye Bunnell.
The first question that everybody is asking our seniors is what they are looking forward to most this year. With three different students, comes three very good answers. According to Alex Smith, he is looking forward to graduation. Kinley Cummings is looking forward to all of the fun pep rallies. Skye Bunnell is looking forward to the senior trip, which is undecided at the moment.
The second most asked question is what the seniors will remember the most after high school. With two of the answers being physical, the other one is mental. Alex said the thing he will remember the most is playing baseball, while Kinley said she will always remember the bomb threat that took place their freshman year (2015-2016). The mental answer came from Skye, and she said that she will always remember what one teacher told the class, “It’s not about how smart you are. It’s about how hard you try.”
When the three students were asked what they would miss most after high school, the answers ranged from seeing everybody to seeing teachers and, finally, their high school club.
The most important question the Class of 2019 is being asked at the moment is what they plan on doing after high school. Alex plans on going straight into the work force, while Kinley and Skye are planning on going to college. Skye plans to attend Glenville State College, while Kinley plans to attend West Virginia University.
A question that is really hard for seniors to answer that doesn't get asked a lot is if they had to choose one teacher that prepared them the most, who would it be and why. These three students had a very hard time picking just one teacher, so Skye said that she couldn’t choose one teacher because all of the teachers she’s had throughout high school have impacted her life in some way. The other two students finally thought of a teacher with Alex saying Mrs. Larew prepared him the most because she taught him to work harder. Kinley said that Mr. Toth would have definitely prepared her because he was the one teacher that pushed her the hardest.
One of the questions we asked the students is one that will be asked a lot this year from many different people and it is how did Lincoln High School prepare you for life after school? Alex said that Lincoln has prepared him by pushing him to do his best, while Skye and Kinley both said the same thing. It showed them who their real friends are and taught them how to do things they didn’t know how to do.
This next question varied with answers because students have different views on it. If you could change anything about your time here, what would it be? Alex’s answer was that he would have liked to study more, while Kinley’s was the typical answer saying that she would only make it shorter. Skye’s answer was an unusual one, but had a sweet twist to it. She said that she would definitely make her time here longer because once they all leave the school, most of them will never see each other again.
Finally, we asked the three seniors to leave us with advice for the freshmen and to leave us a senior quote. Alex’s advice was, “Don’t drop out. Get through school,” while his senior quote was “Work smarter, not harder.” Kinley’s advice was “Get involved. Do everything you want to do,” while her quote was “There’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait.” Skye’s advice was to “Start doing things you want to do. Getting involved will help you gain knowledge, friends, and advisors you can trust.” Her quote was “Sometimes you find out what you are supposed to be doing by doing the things you are not supposed to do.”
Wrapping up our interviews with the students, we learned that the Class of 2019 has found out the date of graduation: May 25, 2019.