This year, the Junior class is planning multiple fundraisers, although they don’t have very many picked out as of yet.
This year, the Junior class is led by Class President, J.R. Defazio.
This upcoming weekend, the class is attending the Italian Heritage Festival in Downtown Clarksburg, where they will holding a Fritti Sale. Might you ask, what is a fritti? Fritti’s are Italian Deep-Fried Yeast Doughnuts. They will be selling these everyday of the festival.
The next thing they are thinking about doing is selling pizzas at our home football games.
The reason for this is because our concession stand doesn’t offer pizza. They feel that this will be a good sale because there have been multiple times where they don’t want anything but to watch football and eat greasy, delicious pizza.
Another fundraiser they have their thoughts on is a Homecoming Basket Raffle. This basket will contain everything that a student will need to get ready for their big night.
Next, is a spaghetti dinner. They said that they don’t really have all of the details for it yet, but it is definitely planned.
The final fundraiser they gave our newspaper staff insight to was a Sexy Leg Contest where people send them pictures of their legs, they put those pictures in a jar, and people put money in the “sexiest” leg jar. All of the money in the jars will then be what they fundraised. They never told me what the prize was, but it must be something good.
This year, the Junior class has a lot of things to pay for and look forward too. The most important thing being Prom 2019.