Lincoln High School has introduced a few new amazing programs for students in the new school year.
One of these new programs is called Pass With Pride.
This new program will help students who are struggling in classes by allowing them to make up work and other projects to bring their grades up.
Pass With Pride gives an opportunity to students in need of extra time or extra help. It is a great opportunity for students who have fallen behind in classes for any reason.
This program takes place along with the Mind, Body, and Spirit days. Instead of attending Mind, Body, Spirit, students meet in the auditorium to work on the assignments their teachers sent for them.
“I think it’s kind of a good idea depending how they decide to go about it. I think if they go about it the right way and help each student learn at their own pace and a way they understand it could be very beneficial to the school by lowering our failure percent,” said Hannah Loar.
The Students in Lincoln are excited about this program and the benefits it will bring to them.