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Student Spotlight: What would you do with a magic wand?

We asked the students..

If you had a magic wand and could change one thing in the school, what would it be and why?

The floors. There are cracks in them and they are ugly.

Skye Bunnell, 12

The food. Some days it’s good and some days it isn’t.

Luke Wentz, 10

More air conditioning in the gym.

Jakob Lucas, 12

Pep rallies every Friday

Wyatt Howes, 10 The layout of the cafeteria.

John Wick, 9 The lockers.

Dakota Ramsey, 9 Student opinion to matter more.

Ashley McCollough, 12

No Mind, Spirit, and Body for seniors.

Gauge Freeman, 12 The cell phone rule at lunch to come back.

Nikki Flowers, 10


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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