We asked the students..
If you were principal and were in charge for a day, what would be the first thing you would do?
Have an assembly
Kylieonia Trimmer, 10
Change the lunches
Mackenzie Cottrell, 10
Phones allowed because it’s your grade
Sofia Tate, 11
Taco Tuesday every Tuesday
Nick brown, 11
Allow phones back at lunch
Alison Proffitt, 10 Allow phones at lunch
Kristi Uldrich, 10
Talk about school rules
Olivia Spino, 9 Eat breakfast, it’s the start of the day
Andy Sheets, 9 Have a shuffle dance party
Madi Merrill, 9 Bring back phones
Macie Hardman, 9 Allow kids to sit in their cars in the morning
Haleigh Ferris, 12