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Upcoming Key Clubs Activities!

This year Lincoln’s Key Club is planning a lot of activities.

One of the activities coming up is the ham and bean dinner. This is put on by the Women’s Club and everyone is welcome to come. It is from 11 am to 4 pm and we still need people to volunteer to work it. You will work in hour-long shifts, but you can sign up for as many shifts as possible. This will take place on November 1.

The next activity will be Trick or Treat for WVU Children’s Hospital. For this, all we need is for people to sign up and go around and trick or treat for donations and money for this organization. This will be held on October 29.

The last upcoming activity is the Thompson’s Fall Festival. We still workers for this activity and all you will be doing is running activities for little kids. This will be held on October 27.

If you have any questions about any of these activities, you can contact Mrs. Osbourn. Hope to see you there.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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