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Let’s get to know Mrs.Yearego

This week, the newspaper staff had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Yearego, whom teaches Business Education at Lincoln High School. She is also the WVBEA President and the DECA-FBLA

I had the opportunity to discuss her reason for being a teacher, her college experience, her advice for students, and much more!

Continue reading for the interview: 1. Why did you become a teacher? To help students learn how manage their finances properly. 2. What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? Interacting with students. 3. Do you have any inspirations as to how you teach your classes? I love learning from my peers and incorporating their best practices into my class. 4. Do you have a class motto / personal motto that you follow? In the real world... 5. What’s your favorite class? My homeroom, but I enjoy teaching Personal Finance as my favorite subject. 6. Where did you attend college? Glenville State for my Bachelors of Science in Business Administration and Fairmont State for 2 Masters in Education. - ( if yes ) What was your college experience like? While earning my Bachelors, I made my closest friends and received a good foundation to begin working in the financial services industry. While working on my Masters, it challenged me to think outside the box and be more confident in my choices. - Do you have any advice for students / seniors who are planning to attend college? Look at your major - try to job shadow someone who is in the field - take classes whether it be at Lincoln or UTC that will benefit you the most for the career you want. For example, if you want to major in business related field (No. 1 major 2 to 1 over all other majors) - take Accounting, Personal Finance and Business/Marketing Essentials as this will give you a huge leg up over those who don't. 7. If you weren’t a teacher, what do you think you’d like to do? Own an art studio supporting local artists. 8. What type of projects can your students expect to do? Depends on the program of study. If they are in Business track they will have budgeting challenges, learn how to write checks and file their own taxes. If they are in Information Management track (Digital Imaging, Desktop Publishing, etc.) they will learn how to manipulate images and text to make promotional items. 9. What can students expect during your class? To learn skills to help them prepare for the real world and hopefully have a good time while they learn. 10. What makes a good teacher in your own personal opinion? Someone who is knowledgeable and cares about the students. 11. In your own opinion, what is the toughest challenge teachers face today? Student apathy -them not seeing the benefit of effort now and how it can help them in the future.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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