We stopped in the English Department to check in on one of the English teachers. Mrs. Alana Hayes sat with us and answered our questions about her job and her life.
Mrs. Hayes has been a teacher for 10 years. Within those 10 years, she has taught at three different schools. She has been with us at Lincoln for the last seven years.
Believe it or not, Mrs. Hayes didn't start out in college with hopes to be a teacher. She actually wanted to be a nurse first.
She was studying for her nursing majo, but loved English so much that she decided to switch to into English Education and hasn't looked back since.
Her favorite memories since becoming a teacher are actually from outside of school when she sees former students and how she has impacted their lives.
As a student, her favorite class was English. She attended Ritchie County High School, West Virginia University, and Fairmont State.
Mrs. Hayes and her husband, Justin, have been married for 10 years. They are currently fostering two babies and they are hoping to adopt them soon.
Outside of school, she and her family are in the process of building their new house and are avid WVU football and basketball fans.