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Getting to know Mr.Channel!

Mrs.Channel got into teaching because she has a love for teaching others, she likes to help others, and she has always admired Marylee Hines who use to be a teacher at Lincoln. She has teaches at three schools which are New Martinsville school, Short Line, Lincoln Middle, and Lincoln High. Her favorite class to teach is AP Music Theory. And her favorite memory of teaching is marching in the Macy’s Day Parade with her middle school show choir in 1999. She went to school at Glenville state, and West Virginia. We asked what her favorite class was when she was in school and it was band. She’s starting her 10th year at Lincoln teaching, she said about my her family she said that her dad died when she was 7 her mom raised her as a single. She cleaned houses for a living. She also worked at, Anchor Hocking, She spent most of her time with older adults and at her church she had activities to keep her busy. She married the love of her life in 1993. They have 2 children, Carrisa and Mac and she cant wait for grandchildren! She spends her time cleaning houses, cooking, and helping Fred on the farm. 


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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