Equality between men and women is a large debate in today’s society.
We can all agree that much conflict in today’s time has to do with the fight for equality of gender. Even so, Lincoln students that I discussed the topic with all agreed that there should be equality between the two genders.
“Of course they should! Men and women should be equal, and there’s really no reason for them not to be. Women do just as much work as men do.” Jenna Garrison, a senior this year, shared with me.
Andrew Fleece, another student in their senior year, agreed with Jenna. Many others did as well.
Although, we do have a few students who believe that women are already equal.
“We are equal. How much more equal do you want it? We're as equal as can be,” stated Emily Kyle, a senior at Lincoln.
Gender equality is still a large debate around the world, and it may never truly be resolved. Until that day, people around the world will continue to debate.
So, what’s your opinion? Do you believe in gender equality?