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Do you believe in aliens?

The earth is a large place, filled with many things that we as humans have not yet discovered. Which is why I want you to think about outer-space. If the earth still has things we don’t know about, it’s only common sense that there are things about space we don’t know about either. Do you really believe that we are the only planet that can produce life? There’s a billions of different galaxies out there, and there is the possibility of other life forms in those galaxies. I personally believe that it’s only a matter of time before these other life forms are discovered by the general public. The topic of aliens is discussed around the globe. Every country has different stories on the extra-terrestrial and what they’re believed to be. So, it would make no sense for people to not believe in something more. Then again, what we would see as “aliens” are probably people just like us. We might see them as aliens because of the simple fact they’re not from our planet. So, if they do exist, what do you think they’d think of us? 


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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