Art come in all shapes and sizes, and it doesn’t always have to be pretty. As an artist, I’ve learned this through experience. Although, the one experience I’ve never had, is the art of designing video games. Some can argue that this type of design isn’t considered to be art, but many will agree with me that it is. Video games take time and dedication to create, and you have to understand the idea of designing and art to even do it. Many Lincoln students play video games, and many do not; so, I took time to interview two students about this topic. Hannah Loar, a senior at Lincoln this year, doesn’t usually play video games. Even so, she shared her thoughts on the matter. “Of course it’s art, because so much time goes into designing the games and it involves a lot of artistic skills. If it wasn’t for the artists involved, the games would be boring and there would be nothing going on in the game.” Hannah shared. Macy Buck, another senior at Lincoln, who sometimes plays video games shared her thoughts as well. “Defiantly, video game design is basically the same as art design. As an artist myself, it’s just common sense to know that video game designers have the same way of going about designing as we do.” Macy shared, agreeing with me thoughts as an artist as well. Video games, just like art, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes; to add, they’re not always pretty either. Just like art, they develop over time in their own way. So, it would be dumb to not recognize them as a work of art.