Everyone with a cellphone can agree that we all have a preference when it comes to calling or texting. Many prefer to call, while others choose to text. Both have their benefits, along with their negative sides. With texting, you can type out what you’d like to say that you might not be able to say in person or verbally. The downside, sometimes the wording can be misinterpreted and cause unwanted drama. While calling can allow you to express yourself correctly, sometimes it’s hard to do if you’re not great with verbal expressions. I asked a few Lincoln students on their opinions. Madison Clark a junior, and Macy Buck, a senior, both agreed that they prefer to call more. Especially if the topic of the conversation is important, they agree that it’s easier to talk about it. Mrs. Dippold, the new art teacher at Lincoln, disagrees with both Macy and Madison. She prefers to text more than call, although she does agree that calling has its benefits too.