Sunni Moore gives us insight into what it's like to deal with people when you have diabetes.
As many people know, I am a type one diabetic. So, I’m sure you can already assume all of the awkward moments I deal with on a daily basis.
Diabetics everywhere can agree, and I’ve even asked a few of my camp friends about their most awkward moments.
One of the most common things to happen is when people assume I can’t eat certain foods. I get the question “This has sugar, so you can eat it, right?” nearly every day.
Along with people yelling at me about what I eat or drink, although they know nearly nothing about diabetes.
When I asked my diabetic friends from summer camp, all of them said close to the same things. They all stated that the biggest one they hear is “Oh you’re diabetic? My grandma is diabetic...,” which might not be a big deal to most, but we hear it nearly every day. So, it’s more or less just annoying,
Being a diabetic comes with many awkward moments, but I honestly don’t mind them as much as I seem to. They’re really just another moment to educate people on diabetes, and how to treat others with it. So, if I’m able to do that then the awkward moments are worth it.