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Do parental figures influence your future?

As you grow older, I’m sure many of your parental figures have talked to you about your future. It’s a common conversation topic between students and their families, and it’s one no one can really escape. Many students feel pressured by the thought of going to college or getting a job, so it’s easy to say that the conversation adds to it. So, it’s really no surprise when young adults say that their parental figures defiantly played a role in their career or education choices. There are some who decided to chase their own wanted path, while others are influenced by the long speeches from their family members. Although it’s hard to disagree with your family, as a young adult you should focus on the career that you want. Don’t allow the input of others to influence your future. Sometimes doing what you want to do is the best thing you can do for yourself. The best way to start, is by thinking out a plan of what you want to do. Use the plan to explain your choice to your families. While showing this plan to your family, it will be easier for them to understand and agree with your choices.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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