Most high school teams have more than one game/ match, but cheerleaders have two maybe three depending on how good they are. They don’t play games or matches to prove their better than other schools, they get two minutes and thirty seconds to prove it. The two main competition that high school cheerleaders compete in are the Big 10 and the Regional cheer competition. This year our cheerleaders are also doing another competition, Punky Garrett. Punky Garrett includes routines, jumps, tumbling, stunt group, sideline, and technical competitions. Our cheerleaders are doing it all, it is a very long competition but their prepared to do it all. We asked a few of them how they felt about competing again and this is what they had to say. ” It’s a chance to redeem ourselves”- said Rayegan Loss. ” I’m looking forward to competing again and doing better than last time.”- Sierra Moore. “I’m so happy to do this, I can’t wait.” -Avery Riley. The competition will take place on January 26 doors will open around 9. So, are time and come out and support your Cougar cheerleaders.