Winning the lottery is a dream of many people, but really doesn't become a reality for most people.
Oh, well. Lincoln students and staff can dream, right?
We asked a few people, "What would you do if you won the lottery?"
For Braydon White, he would immediately get out of West Virginia, and when I asked why so he replied that this is not a good place to have that kind of money.
MaKynzie Richards would pay for her college and pay the barn fee for her horse each month.
Ryan Leep said that when there would be a concert, he would buy every ticket so he would be the only one there.
Staci Swiger said that she would pay off some bills and then some debts, and for the rest of it she would still have her job but just live off that interests and not have to worry.
Dana Moore quickly replied with “I would go on a cruise…..again!”
What would you do?