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Upcoming trip!

Lincoln High offers many different classes throughout the year but are just something we can’t teach so kids have the opportunity to go to UTC (United Technical Center) to learn and train for specie thing in life. The programs they offer include; Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Collision repair, computer repair, cosmetology, health occupations, Law and public safety, drafting, electrical technician, machine tool, masonry, Medical Assisting, Power Sports and Equipment, and Welding. We talked to a few people that go to UTC and asked them about what program there in and how they felt it was and it they recommend it for future students. Alexis Hardy is a senior and in the Medical Assisting program, “It's very hands on she’s a really good teacher" she recommends this program for future students. Austin Earnest is also a senior he is in the Collision Repair program and recommends it for future students ”The teachers are very involved and they do their best to help you.” If you are interested in going to UTC Lincoln will be taking a trip to tour and go through all the programs they have. The trip will be on Wednesday February 6 in the morning, it is open to all sophomore and some freshman and juniors. Please see Mrs. Freeman if you are interested.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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