Sometimes people think that it would be the end of the world to be in the same building with your family all day, but the people who actually do it don’t think that it’s really that bad. Teachers who have family in the school are: Mrs. Hostuttler, Mrs. Loss, Mrs. Duffy, Mr. Ramsey, Mr. Hawkins, and Donavon and Frank Carpenter. Mrs. Hostuttler has her son Logan at Lincoln High School. From Mrs. Hostuttler’s persepctive, she enjoys being in the same building as Logan all day. She doesn’t think that there are any negatives but many positive aspects to it. Some positive things about her having Logan at her job is that she finds out all of the things that he does and he gets to know his friends and what type of people they are. To her, it’s not hard to differentiate being a parent and a teacher because she treats all of her students as her kids. On Logan’s side, he has some different thoughts. To him, being in the same building as his mom all day is easy because she’s always there if he forgets something or needs a paper signed. His negatives to it are “Kisses. She embarrasses me with kisses.” His positives are that she’s always there for him if he needs something. Mrs. Loss has two of her kids on the building, Drake and Rayegan. She also thinks that it’s enjoyable to be in the same building as her kids all day. She likes that she gets to see them more and she’s always there if there’s a problem, but it’s also easy for them to get money from her and it causes them to be more dependent on her. For her, sometimes she finds it hard to be a teacher rather than a parent. In class, she may be a little harder on them and push them to do better. Mrs. Loss has had both of her kids in class at the same time. She likes to be able to make sure they’re doing their work and making good grades. Drake thinks that having his mom and his sister with him is nice and convenient when he’s in need and he has more access than some other students get. His only negative is that whenever he needs personal time they’re always there with him. He has more positives though, because they’re there to help, talk to, and provide a place of relaxation. Rayegan also thinks that having her mom and brother there is not that bad. Sometimes they hug and irritate her because they’re always there. She has many positives as well though, such as she always has people to talk to and Mrs. Loss always has food. Mrs. Duffy also has her daughter in Lincoln, Emily. She thinks that it’s always enjoyable to have her there. For Mrs. Duffy, her negatives are that she gets money from her all the time and she sometimes uses her room as her locker. She enjoys being able to ride to school together and she always knows what she’s doing at school. Emily also thinks it’s cool because she gets to see her more, but her negative is that she always knows all of the drama that’s going on. She enjoys that her mom is always there if she needs anything. Mr. Ramsey has two of his sons in the building, Andrew and Aaron. Mr. Ramsey likes having them here a lot, he thinks it’s nice to see them and he gets to see school from two different perspectives. His negative is that if they disagree in some way it’s awkward until it’s worked out. It’s not hard for him to be a teacher and a parent because he treats everyone as his own. He’s proud to have them here because he knows that they are good students. Aaron and Andrew both like it and having their dad here makes it feel like home. They’re negative is that if they do something bad there’s no getting out of it. If they need someone to talk to, they have a dad and brother here to help them. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins both work at the school as well as their son Payton. Mr. Hawkins thinks it’s enjoyable for all three of them to be together and there’s no conflict. Mrs. Hawkins also enjoys it even though there’s some days she doesn’t see them. Neither of them have any negatives to it but Mr. Hawkins likes that they’re always there if they need anything and Mrs. Hawkins doesn’t miss any of Payton’s games due to running over from another job. They’ve never had trouble with Payton but if they do, they let another administrator deal with it. Payton thinks that it’s weird but it’s nice that he always has someone to go to. His only negative is that his parents are always there with him but he really enjoys having someone to go to. Everyone had more positives than negatives, and they all enjoy being in the same building as each other more than they don’t.