As a senior, I feel that my time at Lincoln High School has gone by so fast.
It’s insane to think about the past four years that I have spent with my fellow classmates. Every year I spent is filled with great memories within this school, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
In these four years, I have found that my favorite part about Lincoln is the bond that each class has with one another. Within the classes, whether it’s the class of 2019 or the class of 2021, we’re all close with each other.
Although many students could disagree, I still believe that every class is closer than they may think. To be honest, at the start of my freshman year, I didn’t believe it either; but, as I reach the end of my senior year I can finally say that we are all extremely close.
While my time at Lincoln is quickly coming to an end, for some it is just beginning. I hope that those starting at Lincoln will see the same thing I do, and I hope they make incredible friendships within their student body. No matter who they are, I hope Lincoln High School gives them the great experience that I and many other seniors got to have.