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Teachers fighting Back!

This the teachers of West Virginia once again went on strike, however this time it only lasted two days. The strike this team was over bill SB451, a bill that would allow charter schools in West Virginia and, any other things. During the two-day strike only 54 counties were closed, Putnam county remained open both days but there were limited amounts of students and staff that attended during those days. We asked some students and teachers how they felt about the strike this year and this is what they had to say. ” I’m glad they were looking out for us. ” Sophomore Avery Riley. “I feel like Mitch Carmichael was being a jerk to the teachers, I agree with what they were striking for this time, and I really hate charter schools.” Junior Garrett Stire. “I’m glad we were 54 strong again and that we could all be a team and do this together, and I really want the kids to know we were doing this for them.” Mrs.Matheny. ” We weren’t striking over a pay raise, we want our students to know that. We were out there for our students, we care about their future and the kids future and we hope we don’t have to go back out there but it’s all in the hands of the senate.” Mrs. Loss. Well no matter what happens the teachers of Lincoln and all of West Virginia have the students support. We appreciate all that you do, and we thank you for sticking up for us.


2016-2017 Lincoln High School Newspaper

Website Designed By Morgan Harrison

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