As the school year comes to an end, the seniors sit in anticipation as graduation draws near. The seniors exams are on the 15th & 16th with make-up exams being on the 17th. Seniors are expected to be at practice at 8:30 am every weekday up until graduation day. The Baccalaureate is an event for seniors that is held at Jewel City Church at 6:00pm. That event is held on the 19th. On the 21st, the seniors have the opportunity to walk the halls at Big Elm and Lumberport Elementary. It is a way for the graduates to reflect on their accomplishments and reminisce. The following day on the 22nd, there is a senior dinner for students only at 5:00pm and immediately after that there is the senior assembly at 7:00pm where students get awarded for their achievements and scholarships. On the 24th, the Senior Breakfast is hosted by parents at 8:00am. Last but not least, Graduation is May 25th at 7:00pm. The location is to be announced.