What Kind of Ice Cream Do You Wish Existed?
In honor of Thanksgiving being next week, we asked the faculty and students of Lincoln High what ice cream flavors they wished existed,...

Vice Principal and Athletic Director - Mrs. Hawkins!
A very familiar face in the community and school, Mrs. Hawkins is the assistant principal and athletic director here at Lincoln. Mrs....

Safety First with Officer Corder.
Officer Corder is the P.R.O (Prevention Resource Officer) at Lincoln. He is a police officer hired by the city of Shinnston whose duty is...

The Man Behind the Music - Mr. Channell!
Mr. Channell is the band director here at Lincoln. Mr. Channell has taught for 25 years total, but has taught at Lincoln for the past 10...

Sadie Hawkins Dance!
Lincoln High cheerleaders and Lincoln’s yearbook class help organize the Sadie’s dance each year. The theme of this dance is country, and...