Do parental figures influence your future?
As you grow older, I’m sure many of your parental figures have talked to you about your future. It’s a common conversation topic between...

What's your favorite fall thing?
There are quite a few fun fall activities to do in the fall such as apple picking, corn mazes, collect colorful leaves, rent a cabin in...

Girls take down Philip Barbour!
To kick off the weekend, our Lady Cougars traveled to Philip Barbour to take on the Colts. Friday evening before the snow hit, the...

Introducing the 2019 Snowball Court!
Every year, Lincoln High has either a Snowball Dance or a Valentine's dance. This year, they will be having a Snowball Dance; and just...

Jobs in high school
Many students decide to get a job in high school for many reasons. Whether that is to buy a car, help out their family, or save money for...