Dave Moore Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Benefit!
A fellow member of Shinnston, Dave Moore, is going to have a liver transplant and his family is having a spaghetti dinner/silent auction...

Cougars vs Tigers!
Your Lady Cougars were up during the second quarter against Elkins to hold a 23-13. At halftime, your Lady Cougars were still up with the...

Meet our Math Department
Here at Lincoln High School, we have a total of five math teachers. The first teacher we have is Mrs. Haleigh Wolfe. She teaches Algebra...

Lincoln High Band Strawberry Fundraiser!
The band is in the middle of their annual fundraiser - the strawberry sale. This is just one of many fundraisers they do every year. If...

LHS's Newest Exchange Student, Marco
Lincoln High School's third exchange student of the 2017-2018 school year is Marco Murenu. Marco is 17-years-old and is in the 11th...