Lincoln vs Elkins
Friday night's big 10 match-up between Lincoln and Elkins had two high powered offenses and contrasting playing. Elkins (3-5) rallied...

2017 volleyball senior night!
senior night was another success! we got to play Braxton on our senior night the varsity may not have won in the end but they never gave...

Lincoln High Gearing Up for Angel Luv
It is that time of year again. As the Holiday season quickly approaches, the Lincoln High School Faculty Senate is gearing up for their...

Mr.Lopez the new student teacher
Student teachers always come as a surprise to the class, but this year it was a good surprise. Mr.Lopez was the new student teacher for...

college and Career Fair!
This year Lincoln high school has the honor of hosting college and career night this year. It's normally held by RCB but not this year...